Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy

ISTDP is the variation of experiential therapy I train in. It is an evidence based treatment that combines attachment theory, neuroscience, psychodynamic theory, along with mindfulness and self-compassion. ISTDP integrates somatic experiencing work with the understanding that the unconscious speaks through the body. Meaning that while in ISTDP treatment, you will become well acquainted with your body. ISTDP has a strong foundation for understanding anxiety signaling, which is one of the many reasons it is appropriate for the treatment of trauma and/or fragility.

While ISTDP isn’t appropriate for everyone, it has been shown to effectively treat a broad spectrum of mental health concerns. Please see the link below for a breakdown of what each component of the ISTDP acronym means.

  • Intensive - The therapist stance as well as the client stance in ISTDP treatment is highly active and engaged. Moment to moment attention is placed on feelings, anxiety, and defenses, and we will be working together.

    Short-Term - ISTDP has been shown to treat a broad spectrum of mental health concerns, has been shown to maximize treatment, and in many cases shorten average treatment length. The short-term part of the name should not mislead you into thinking you will only need a few sessions or that your treatment will have a predetermined length. Treatment length is completely unique to the individual. I typically work with individuals between 6 months and 1 year.

    Dynamic Psychotherapy - A psychodynamic therapist knows how to listen from multiple angles, and seeks to help develop meaning and insight from learning about your patterns and current struggles. There is a distinct encouragement of the past and present and of both the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind cooperating to develop deep insight. Dynamic psychotherapy is more than venting or receiving empathy from your therapist. Effective psychotherapy provides empathy as well as honesty and will help you understand and integrate internal sources of your suffering.

  • If you are interested in ISTDP training click the links below.

    Washington School of Psychiatry

    ISTDP Institue

The interplay between feelings, anxiety and defense are the hallmark of ISTDP

Feelings - our core emotions and corresponding impulses (anger, disgust, sadness, love, joy, sexual arousal, fear) connect us to our authentic self and the ability to connect intimately with others

Anxiety - is triggered by feelings, and at times engulfs our feelings. When we look at your current problems, and your triangle of inner conflict (feeling/anxiety/defense), the root cause of suffering can become illuminated.

Defense - anything we do to ward off feelings and lower our anxiety. The goal of ISTDP is not to leave us defenseless. ISTDP shines a light on the defenses that get in our way and exacerbate our internal emotional problems. It is up to us, our desire, our will, to look at what we may be doing and make a healthy choice for ourselves. This is done with compassion, honesty, and understanding for our life experiences.

Results: Experiencing our feelings and impulses, anxiety regulation, and restructuring of our defenses can lead us to a sense of congruence, openheartedness, and a life lived consciously.